Free-Write Friday: Collections, 8/8/2014

"I have a collection of collections," my daughter said. She didn't want to be pinned down and commit to one. She still goes through phases and her … [Read more...]

Free-Write Friday: August 1, 2014

Natalie Goldberg's Writing Down the Bones is the go-to book on how to free-write, and it, with Bird by Bird and Writing from the Heart are fabulous … [Read more...]

Free-Write Friday: July 11, 2014

Every Friday, I'll offer an invitation for you to write for ten minutes to twenty minutes. The only non-rule rules are: 1. Don't worry about … [Read more...]

Free-Write Friday

"When you feel bad, let it be your link to others' suffering. When you feel good, let it be your link with others' joy." Pema Chodron, Shambala Sun, … [Read more...]

Free-Write Fourth of July Friday

"When you feel bad, let it be your link to others' suffering. When you feel good, let it be your link with others' joy." Pema Chodron, Shambala Sun, … [Read more...]

Free-Write Friday: In the Clouds

  Free-Write Friday 1. Write without editing yourself and once your pen hits the paper, don't stop. Go for five or fifteen minutes but … [Read more...]

Free-Write Friday: The Fault in Our Stars Quote

Quote: “That’s the thing about pain,” Augustus said, and then glanced back at me, “It demands to be felt.” Pg. 63, The Fault in Our … [Read more...]

Free-Write Friday: Tell the Truth & Give it Up to the Light

"Writers are truthtellers. That’s our job. Often that means we need to write about the darkness within."     Cheryl Strayed from interview in Creative … [Read more...]

Free-Write Friday on Saturday

I met a friend on Thursday and we did an impromptu free-writing session. Stuff was going on in her life and chit chatting just wasn't going to do it … [Read more...]

Free-Write Friday

Free-Write: Where I most need to stretch.... Remember, the only rule is to write, non-stop, without pausing or paying attention to grammar or … [Read more...]