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Christine Cissy White is a speaker, journalist, memoir writer and health activist. She’s the founder of Heal Write Now, a trauma-mama and trauma survivor. Her survivor-led activism in the trauma community has been written about in places such as Atlantic Monthly, The Mighty, Huffington Post & Revelist. By day, she works for the ACEs Connection Network (ACEs Too High (journalism) and ACEsConnection (social networking site).

Speaking Topics:

  • Parenting with PTSD : Breaking the Cycle without Falling Apart
  • It Feels Like This: Creating Health, Hope, & Happiness after Developmental Trauma
  • It’s Not Trauma Informed if it’s Not Informed by Trauma Survivors: Why Survivor-Led Advocacy Matters
  • Writing to Heal Traumatic Stress: The Beauty of Community & Truth-Telling

She knows it’s possible to live, love and parent well after trauma while post-traumatically stressed….. It’s possible but it’s not easy.


  • The Trauma Therapist Podcast: Cissy White, The Power & Passion of a Survivor, 2020
  • The Trauma Therapist Podcast, Christine Cissy White Returns: Hear My Story, 2019
  • National Association of School Nurses, Plenary session, Wrestling Ghosts and Parenting with ACEs
    with Ana Joanes and Robin Cogan, June 28-July 1, CO.  (2019)

  • Mass Nurses Association Clinical Conference, Adverse Childhood Experiences & Adverse Community Environments, May 3, MA (2019)

  • Creating Trauma-Sensitive Communities, Attachment Trauma Network, Creating Trauma Sensitive
    Schools Conference, with Lara Kain and Emily Read Daniels, February 17-19, DC (2019)

  • NJ School Nurses Association, Wrestling Ghosts & panel, Ana Joanes & Robin Cogan, March 29-30, NJ 2019
  • Essdack Bridging to Resilience Conference, Trauma-Informed Change for Everyone: Showing Up as Ourselves & Breaking Generational Poverty & Trauma, Parent Panel for Educators, April 22-24, KS (2019)
  • Trauma-Sensitive Parenting Summit, Speaker, Attachment Trauma Network (online) (2018)

  • Parenting with ACEs Presentation, Burlington County School Nurses Association, October, virtual (2018)

  • Action to Access: Center for Youth Wellness & ACEs Connection bi-annual ACEs Conference, (2018)
    Power with Panel, Organizer & Moderator, October, CA

  • Can Writing Heal: Narrative Medicine, with Peter Kramer, Nancy Slonim-Aronie, Judith Hannon at Islanders Write, MA (2018)
  • Creating Trauma Sensitive Communities, Attachment & Trauma Network with Lara Kain, DC  (2018)

  • Courageous Conversations, Parenting & Discipline, Vital Village, MA, 2018 

  • Parenting is My Superpower: Self-Care as a Second Language; Federation for Children with Special Needs, Recruitment & Training Annual Conference, MA 2017

  • 2017: Educating Traumatized Children Summit Network, Online, Attachment & Trauma Network (2017)




Jim McCauley, LICSW, C0-Founder of Riverside Trauma Center
“warm….lovely…..authentic………… funny….”  These are just a few of the words written on the evaluations I looked at this morning. I would echo all these comments. You did such a wonderful job reaching out to people and sharing your experience. I can’t imagine there is a better way to learn what you are able to teach us. The evaluations were universally glowing. You have so many powerful im


ages that you share. Thanks so much for sharing what you learned and enriching our work and our lives.”

 Elizabeth Torrant, VP, Health Intervention & Prevention Services, Brockton, MA
health imperatives testimonial

“Thank you so much for delivering a powerful, compelling and personal presentation with wit, sensitivity, and with very clear and tangible messages for staff to take away and use to help others as you’ve done for yourself and for so many others….  A few providers told me that they are going to start writing prescriptions for writing expressive writing so your messages were well-received and understood. I hope we continue to work together…”
Heather R. Hedrick, MS, LPC, LCAS, Rowan Center Director, Daymark Recovery Services, Benchmarks Conference, NC

“Ms. White, It was a very moving and powerful message and you gave some great insight on parenting with trauma. I loved the quote “ it is not trauma-informed if it’s not informed by trauma survivors”. You are so right!!  I would love to share your power point images that you shared on Friday with my clinical staff if would be willing to send it. I’m always looking for opportunities to help my staff develop their skills in working with trauma. “


  1. Hi Cissy,
    Oh, God — The Mom Thing. Yikes, horrible!!
    Please check out my book at http://attachmentdisorderhealing.com/book/
    And my blog at http://attachmentdisorderhealing.com/blogs/
    Also my latest on Sebern Fisher:

  2. Hi, Cissy! I’ve got all the info together to send you: quote + PPT with ways to heal after childhood trauma. What’s the best email address to reach you?


  3. Dear Cissy,
    I have only just found your website recently, but I just wanted to say thank you so much for articulating so eloquently thoughts that I frequently have about dealing with trauma, especially seeing mother as victim but also perpetrator and the repeated reference in literature to a “pre-trauma self” (which really doesn’t resonate for those abused in childhood). I am early days in my treatment of complex trauma (having previously been diagnosed with panic attacks and depression 6 years ago and my family being in denial about the abuse), so I am new to the concepts of developmental trauma and possible treatments (neurofeedback etc).

    Thank you for providing such a human and empathetic voice to these issues. I find it greatly comforting.

    Warm Regards,

    • Cissy White says

      Your great comfort is my great joy! Seriously, thank you for telling me how it makes you feel because that, for me, is motivating and rewarding. I appreciate it. It’s a warrior path – to face the past and the pain – and it’s so trying at times. For me, Cheri Huber’s book There’s Nothing Wrong with You No Matter What You Think and free-writing with loving others and learning about attachment all helped me enormously in healing. I don’t say that as advice for you but as hope to say – THERE ARE PATHS and THERE IS HEALING and it gets easier. I hope you indulge in what brings you peace, comfort, hope and joy because you’ve been through and are going through a lot and you deserve that support – internally and externally from whatever makes you feel most safe and alive.
      We all do! That is my belief.
      Thank you so much for writing!!!!

  4. Velta Mack says

    I am interested in your private page.

  5. Excellent, thought-provoking presentation today, Sept 11, with Health Imperatives. Missed you to say thank you in person. Best wishes, Amelia

    • Thank you so much for the feedback Amelia! That is great to hear and I don’t know your particular job but what a FANTASTIC organization you work for! Thanks for commenting! Cissy

  6. Lisa foresta says

    You do a wonderful thing that helps so many people. Thank you. Lisa

  7. John Randall says

    Cissy, Let’s just say this: I think I want to learn to write what you talk about. I was severely abused as a child, I write about it in college. I wrote my story on a private facebook page. I want to let you know I have been inspiration to so many others. However, as PTSD always does, it made me ugly when fears reared their ugly head. I want to stay in contact with you, just because you write so poignantly what we want to tell the world. Thanks, John Randall

    • Cissy White says

      Dear John:
      First, I’m sorry you were hurt as a child. I’m glad you found writing. I believe it can help so much. That said, no matter how much healing we do there are times when the fear is strong. I think that’s true for most of us. That’s part of the reason I do this website. That’s normal and it doesn’t mean the healing isn’t real or happening. Just that the fear is there as well. I love the idea of survivors inspiring other survivors. Sharing the truth of all of what we feel. Inspiration and fear. Thank you for writing and commenting. Please feel free to share your Facebook page (here or privately). I too am on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/HealWriteNow/
      Take Care,

  8. I want to write my whole story as a blog and want to spread awareness. Can you help me?

  9. I just found your website today thru a facebook post. I have always used writing to deal with life. I am 68 and stuck trying to publish my blog. Do you offer counseling via email or online sessions?

    thank you

  10. Debbie Nelson says

    How do I know if I am suffering from PTSD? I was raised by a narcissist and married to two of them. I lost my job, my marriage, my dog died and I became an empty-nester all at once. I also have an autoimmune disease and am in chronic daily pain. I am not doing well.

    • Debbie:
      I couldn’t say what’s grief, physical pain, loss, hardship and/or traumatic stress for anyone but no matter what the cause(s) I am sorry you are in pain – physical and emotional. I’m sorry for your losses too.
      I love reading when I am hurting and getting educated so at least I feel like I can make sense of what’s happening (ex. what’s a symptom vs. a sensation). Some find that stressful. If reading works for you I’d see what resonates and what you think, that you read or explore speaks to and for you. No matter what I do know you are not alone.

      • Jane putnam says

        Excellent advice…at least for me. If I know what my problem is I always want to best see how to heal or get as well as possible. I’ve only read on ACEs for a couple days. I’m a 10, until I can see the necessity of it, I don’t want to know my, I think it’s called “resiliency” score. I have to believe it’s high.

        I hope if reading doesn’t help, you can find some good you tube stuff. I know, as a teacher, we all learn very differently. Best to all of you!


  1. […] Christine White (Heal Write Now) published a blog post concerning the lack of women with PTSD represented in online […]

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