REGN4018: Infusion-Day Schedule (Patient Perspective from Week 5)

Week 5 (Cycle Four) / Full dose (150 mg.) of REGN4018 as an out-patient (for the 1st time) Last week’s treatment was held because of high liver … [Read more...]

REGN4018 Clinical Trial: Patient Perspective (Week 5)

The good news week! I’m not going to bury the lead or go in chronological order this week.  My recent scan was … [Read more...]

REGN4018 Clinical Trial: Patient Perspective (Weeks 2, 3, 4)

Warning: This post was written by a weary, anemic, fever-brained writer. This trial is brutal. When I go in for treatment on Tuesday it will have … [Read more...]

REGN4018: Patient Perspective (Week 1)

I'm sitting in the infusion center at Mass General in Boston. Soon, I'll get a split dose of REGN4018 (meaning 10 mg. of infused today and another 10 … [Read more...]

Tests & Trials

Prompt from Soul-Writing Class: The Way Things Were Must Change... I sat on the gurney yesterday at MGH with the Johnny opened in … [Read more...]

My Free-Write Life, Medical Update, & Blizzard Photos (all over the place, like me)

I had the chance to do three free-writing sessions in the last week. Free-writing offers me an opportunity to be prompted by some brand new idea. It … [Read more...]

Clinical Trial Possibility / Medical Update & Free-Writing

A week ago today I was supposed to start my third round of treatment for my second #ovariancancer recurrence. It was going to be a chemo infusion or … [Read more...]

Truth-Telling, Joy-Stalking, & Cancer

PROMPT — Who am I today? "I’m tired of fighting," I tell my palliative care contact, Jen via Zoom. "It’s not a fair fight anyhow," she said, … [Read more...]

Joy Stalking Daily Delights

Sweet strawberries, black olives, pumpkin seeds, and kale. Vibrant color and crunch. Shades of blue yarn in a big ball I hugged, held, and used to … [Read more...]

Cancer Tired

Sometimes, I get so sick of saying “I’m just tired” and wish there was a way to measure fatigue because saying, “low energy” is an epic understatement … [Read more...]