Archives for September 2016

The Partnering for Excellence Model or Walking the Trauma-Informed Talk

I’ll admit, as an activist, I’m often in fight the system mode. I approach even do-gooders with defensiveness. Why? Because trauma survivors have … [Read more...]

Svava Brooks: Survivor-Led Trauma Summit Online

Survivor-led. Free. Online summit about trauma. Any of these things would get my attention but put them all together and I'm intrigued. So … [Read more...]

Trauma-Informed Parenting: Supplemental Resources ( & Review

Cross-posted at ACEsConnection Network where Gail Kennedy, Director of Programs, shared this fantastic resource with me last week. It's … [Read more...]

Guess Who Made the Top 20 Recovery Blogs of 2016?

Got my social security statement in the mail yesterday. Not pretty. Income went up ad down and down some more. I became a stay-at-home mother, by … [Read more...]

You Can Help Survivors Book Launch

You can help. Isn't that the best title? Today is the day Rebecca Street’s book got launched out into the world. It’s a guidebook for friends and … [Read more...]

I Wish…

I wish I could make my bed on the center of a sunflower so my head could rest on petals and I could soak and swallow  yellow, green and orange even … [Read more...]

Choked & Soared: Speaking Publicly about Parenting After Trauma

I gave a keynote address to over 100 people. I'm not bragging. It was an epic failure and an epic triumph. And I'm still here which is something … [Read more...]

I love the #Iwishmyteacherknew campaign

Crossposted on Parenting with ACEs on the ACEs Connection Network. A brilliant idea by Kyle Schwartz, a grade school teacher, was used in class. … [Read more...]