Guess Who Made the Top 20 Recovery Blogs of 2016?

Got my social security statement in the mail yesterday. Not pretty. Income went up ad down and down some more.

I became a stay-at-home mother, by choice. Down.

I went through divorce (also a choice). It opposite of soared.

Activism is not usually lucrative. Writing is not normally well-paying.

But I’m freakin rich and will staple this statement to my statement.

It’s not about the INCOME. It’s about the OUTREACH.

How I get paid is in bonus moments. Like having someone share or email or feel less alone. Like making the this list of top 20 recovery blogs.

If anyone feels less alone, more spoken with or to or for, that’s what this is about.

The description of my site did me in.

11) Heal Write Now

For anyone who has been a victim of childhood trauma and abuse, Heal Write Now is the blog you need to follow. Having emerged from her own personal war zone at age 22, Cissy White started on her path of healing desperate for a role model—someone who had been through what she had been through, recovered and was thriving. But in 1989, without the miracle of the World Wide Web, finding women like her wasn’t an easy task. That is why White started Heal Write Now: to help people connect and break out of the prison of loneliness and alienation that abuse victims often find themselves in.

It’s talking about this that I’m writing and this that you’re reading. This is us!

Survivors supporting ourselves and each other.

So, I’m not bank account loaded when I look at my bottom line or social security projections but I”m good.

A moment of gratitude here mixed with a full-fledged WTF?

So, take that past. Take that social security.

It’s not the numbers it’s the words.

The hearts and souls and people.

It’s us.

Here is the article again so you can go visit every other recovery blog for you or someone you know or love or to make some bloggers day.

Thanks for being here with me at Heal Write Now.


You Matter Mantras

  • Trauma sucks. You don't.
  • Write to express not to impress.
  • It's not trauma informed if it's not informed by trauma survivors.
  • Breathing isn't optional.

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