Archives for May 2014

Boston’s Trauma Conference: I Know Why the Rat Stops Playing!

Or let the rats speak! Trauma Conference. Boston. Where has the field come in 25 years? I've been excited for months. I'm a writer. I write about … [Read more...]

Free-Write Friday: Tell the Truth & Give it Up to the Light

"Writers are truthtellers. That’s our job. Often that means we need to write about the darkness within."     Cheryl Strayed from interview in Creative … [Read more...]

Free-Writing Samples

2 free-writes, as promised, from last post Where I'm from... Cluster Greymere Road. I can't even explain without photos and flow charts. … [Read more...]

Free-Write Friday on Saturday

I met a friend on Thursday and we did an impromptu free-writing session. Stuff was going on in her life and chit chatting just wasn't going to do it … [Read more...]

The Healing Power of Reading Writing / Lamott & Nepo

Here's an excerpt I read this morning in an Anne Lamott piece on Facebook that touched and spoke to me.  "Yet, I get to tell my truth.  I get to seek … [Read more...]

Writing the Truth/Anne Lamott and Mark Nepo Guidance

Here's an excerpt I read this morning in an Anne Lamott piece on Facebook that touched and spoke to me.  "Yet, I get to tell my truth.  I get to seek … [Read more...]

Beautiful Video on Being Who You Are

Tired of living a divided life? This video is beautiful, educational and affirming. I especially appreciate the perspective he shares, as a man in his … [Read more...]

Free-Writing Friday: The Who Cares Question

This is a piece I'm still working on. This is the first draft. Draft 2 was brought to my writer's group. Draft 3 is being worked on in my brain. … [Read more...]

Writing Past the “Who Cares?” Question

An earlier draft of this was posted at a fabulous journal-writing resource and site. I don’t get writer’s block. I don’t … [Read more...]