Welcome to Heal Write Now!

I’m so excited. I’m visualizing your fingers dancing across your keyboard clacking up and down like Irish step dancers as you explore the site. If you prefer to be shown around and given a tour let me show you what you’ll find.

  1. The blog. You are on it now. It will be about healing from post-traumatic stress, parenting well when you were raised in hell (or trying) and all things writing. who has lived with trauma and is doing something spectacular with her (or his) life. There will be writing prompts you can respond to and lots of links to trauma resources and articles as well as to other sites sharing the power of writing for better living.
  2. Inspiration. Six Types. They are: Literary, Research & Talks, Love Notes to your Nervous System, Get Back In Your Body, Music & Songs and Movie / TV Scenes.
  3. The Pages “Absence of Good: Parenting and SIS (Survivor Inspiring Survivor) will hopefully be interactive and platforms for consolidating tools and techniques for how adults abused as children parent and how anyone with post-traumatic stress manages life with symptoms. It’s less about surviving and crisis and more about living the life you are meant to live. These two pages will be developed more if there’s a need for conversation and you want to share your writing and experiences. That’s the part I will know only after meeting you!
  4. The Clips and About have my published writing and information about me and why I started this site as well as how to reach me in other places such as Twitter & Facebook.

I’ve been writing in my journal since I was eleven. I love being a mother, a writer and collecting sea glass. Now I just need to throw in my astrological sign and it will sound like I’m at a bar.

Trauma is a big part of my life story but living well and with passion is even bigger.

I wish more people knew that writing is healing and little else is as affordable and accessible even to people who don’t consider themselves writers.

Those are two reasons I created this site. The third is this: I crave it myself and have over the years.

Most of the time my life is going great or is blowing up a little for reasons having nothing to do with trauma.

Other times, life is a mine field of triggering and I’m post-traumatically stressed and looking for resources like a junkie desperate for a needle. Searching and searching for something.

What I most often need are reminders to go and practice what I already know. Self care. Grounding. Express emotions. Inhabit the body.

That sounds so easy and simple but I’m more expert at forgetting than remembering. Especially when I’m in need of resources. At those times I am a blend of compared to me my everyday self.  But finally, I BELIEVE the path is never going to be linear. It’s all meaningful and it’s all healing.

We ALL have a story whether we have post-traumatic stress or not. This I know.

There’s no need for shame or stigma.

But we deserve healing.

And story.



Inspiration and information.

Each other!

And that’s what you will find here.

I wish I had thought about what would be in my first blog post before 5 a.m. today but I was obsessing about website design.

I now leave with my new favorite Rumi quote.

“The cure for pain is in the pain.
Good and bad are mixed. If you don’t have both,
you don’t belong with us.”

Thank you so much for visiting my site. I hope you follow, like, comment and share your story and thoughts.

You Matter Mantras

  • Trauma sucks. You don't.
  • Write to express not to impress.
  • It's not trauma informed if it's not informed by trauma survivors.
  • Breathing isn't optional.

You Are Invited Too & To:


  1. Jeanne Charello Fusco says

    I have worked with trauma survivors (sexual abuse and domestic violence) for over 30 years; journaling and other writing is very healing for survivors, as are other arts processes. What a great idea to help others with your blog; I would like to share it with those I work with in CT.

    • Cissy White says

      Thanks for writing and for the work you do!!!
      I’m going to share info. about collecting sea glass and creating soul books because not everyone is comfortable writing. But they are all so important for healing. For lots of survivors, we often spend too much energy hiding our “material” instead of working with and transforming it because of shame. I think there a need for safe spaces to share what is made. This site will be one of those places. So thank you for sharing and for commenting and for your work! Cissy

  2. I was raised by a raging alcoholic and drug addict, and got through all the abuse and neglect that comes with that nonsense. I was raped once. I became pregnant at 15. I lost my fist love at 22. I spend every day trying to be good. A good mom. A good employee. A good friend. A good role model to anyone who needs one. A good citizen and contributing member of society. That’s what I want to be most of the time. Now, they call me “high functioning.” I often wish daily life wasn’t infused with, or provoked by, what I don’t want to be. Of course, I’d probably be a completely different person if it wasn’t. So I’ll take my PTSD diag and my “high functioning” label and carry that around until I can be as brave as you are, Cissy, and put in on paper as my story. I can’t wait to watch this site grow and read more about the Lemonade Makers! You are amazing!

    • Cissy White says

      You are so tough AND brave AND good! I can’t wait until you DO share your story on paper because you have one of the things that is so universally loved and difficult – HUMOR with storytelling.
      And you have lived so much life and with so much loss. For that, I am sorry.
      I marvel at what energy you have and how tough and mushy all mashed together in one you are!

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