Write Your Story, Heal Your Life Interview Series

I was asked to be a part of the Write Your Story, Heal Your Life Summit and was intrigued. That is a topic so central to me my blog is named Heal Write Now!

However, some summits charge those being interviewed and some charge those who want to listen. I didn’t want to be part of one of those. I gave my time on the condition that the summit is free, at least some of the time, for anyone interested in it. It is. And today, Monday, June 26th, any of the videos can be downloaded to be watched anytime. So, if you are interested in writing to heal, finishing a book and getting it published, there’s lots of content.


Also, as part of the summit, I shared access to two white papers I wrote for a healthcare company. They are:

  • Expressive Writing for Health
  • Traumatic Stress and Healthcare Utilization.

Again, nothing costs any money. I’m happy to share either of those with anyone. Just leave a comment and your email or email me at [email protected] and I can send them to you as pdf’s.

Here are the list of available interviews and all can be accessed here (you have to sign up first and give your email but there is no cost):

  • Mark Wolynn, The Family Constellation Institute Director + Award-winning Writer, author of It Didn’t Start with You
  • Beth Barany, Creativity Coach + Novelist
  • Brooke Warner, Publisher + Writing Coach + Writer
  • Rachel Kelly, Best-selling Author + Mental Health Campaigner
  • Joanne Fedler, Writing Coach + Activist + Novelist
  • Uma Girish, Grief Guide + Author
  • Shiloh Sophia McCloud, Visionary Artist + Writer
  • Albert Flynn DeSilver, Poet + Writer + Workshop Facilitator
  • Linda Joy Myers, Writing Coach + Teacher + Writer
  • Morgan Gist MacDonald, Editor + Book Coach
  • Christine Cissy White, Writer + Health Activist
  • Jacqui Pretty, Editor + Author
  • Dawn Montefusco, Writing Coach + Best-selling Author
  • Anne Janzer, Author + Writer + Speaker
  • John Matthew Fox, Editor + Writer
  • Debra Giusti, Entrepreneur + Marketer
  • Dennis Shaver,  Product Development Entrepreneur + Author + Coach
  • Maria Murnane, Best-selling Author
  • Donna Stoneham, Master Executive Coach + Leadership Development Consultant
  • Janet Conner, Writer + Radio Host + Spiritual Field Guide
  • Joel Friedlander, Self-Publishing Guru + Book Designer
  • Sally Griffyn, Director Founder Yoga Connects Festival Ltd
  • Devorah Spilman, A Master Storyteller + Intuitive Coach + Founder of In Story Group
  • Mary Reynolds Thompson, Author + Writing Coach + Certified Poetry and Journal Facilitator

I hope you find some inspiration, support, and company for your writing/healing journey.

You Matter Mantras

  • Trauma sucks. You don't.
  • Write to express not to impress.
  • It's not trauma informed if it's not informed by trauma survivors.
  • Breathing isn't optional.

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