The End of My Empty-Mess or The Good Girl’s Guide to Hitting Bottom

I’m writing regularly at Elephant Journal. The title of my latest piece is The End of My Empty-Mess.

It’s dedicated to all you other try-super-hard, put yourself last, fund the dreams of others and ones who don’t know it’s o.k. to invest in your own dreams, health, joy and happiness. It is!

It makes for fantastic return on investment too. It just takes some practice.

I used to think we all run around taking care of each other. I’m still a huge fan of mutual interdependence but it wasn’t what i was practicing. I lived, “You take care of me. Then I take care of  you. Then you take care of me. Then I take care of you.”

But there are people who will let you take care of them for a life and if you do – it’s not a guarantee that anyone will take care of you.

That person who takes care of you – can actually BE YOU! And then you can be taken care of. And then, maybe once you have (I mean I have) that all locked down and set the mutual interdependence thing maybe works better.

We’ll see. I’m gonna give it a go.

You Matter Mantras

  • Trauma sucks. You don't.
  • Write to express not to impress.
  • It's not trauma informed if it's not informed by trauma survivors.
  • Breathing isn't optional.

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