Robin Cogan, Claudia Gold, Rebecca Lewis Pankratz & Ed Tronick / ACEs Connection

I’m excited to share three recent Zoom discussions I hosted as part of my work at ACEs Connection. Public speaking is hard for me and so do it live, with a crowd, and knowing it will be posted was a stretch. But I’m so grateful to have a job where I can try new and difficult things, and have the support of my bosses and co-workers, as I did and do. Plus, we have a great producer with strong tech skills and that is a huge help as well. While I still got nervous about doing these, I kept reminding myself, “It’s not chemo and I’ve done chemo,” and that actually helped me. Plus, I was grateful to have time with all of these people and help make it so others could access them as well which felt great. I hope you enjoy them.

The Power of Discord with Claudia Gold & Ed Tronick:

Community, Poverty & Parenting with ACEs with Rebecca Lewis Pankratz

Safety, Health, and Back-to-School Plans in a Pandemic with Robin Cogan

My colleagues have hosted, facilitated, and presented on many from this series as well. Here’s the link to the ACEs Connection You Tube channel so you can check out the rest. The entire series has been produced by Alison Cebulla as part of what we call our A Better Normal series. Like many, we were talking about our New Normal and brainstorming about what communities needed and what we should refer to the series. I said I didn’t want a new normal unless it was a better normal and the name stuck. I am really glad because it’s a great series.

You Matter Mantras

  • Trauma sucks. You don't.
  • Write to express not to impress.
  • It's not trauma informed if it's not informed by trauma survivors.
  • Breathing isn't optional.

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