Moving On

We move on by going on. We move on by going back. We move on by circling and cycling and paying attention to what has changed.
Sometimes nothing has changed. Sometimes we know the next step. Sometimes we don’t.

No matter what – the present is there and waits for us to join her.

We go away.

The present doesn’t.

Sometimes we go away by choice and sometimes not. We get pinged and pained or obsessed or exhausted. Maybe we fall in love or get sleep-deprived (from a puppy) or aren’t in the mood for all the self care and staying conscious.

As the years have gone on, I return to myself more quickly, notice earlier when I’ve off track and reach out for support sooner.

Wasn’t healing supposed to mean bliss non stop? I hoped for that once. I don’t crave or expect that anymore. But that doesn’t mean things haven’t improved. They have.

There’s much more grace even when things are hard.

Every single day we get a chance to love more and better, give and receive, listen and be heard, protect and open our hearts. Every day. Many times a day. So many chances.

We can choose new ways to be in relationship with ourselves, families and the world. The chances and the choices are gifts. We get chances and we make choices.

That’s what I’m thinking about today. People who have moved in and out of my life, and are in the process of coming and going. None have completely left my heart.

I have an adorable puppy I adore. I’m enamored by her and exhausted.

It’s not either or.

It’s both.

I’m grateful for being at peace with that!

You Matter Mantras

  • Trauma sucks. You don't.
  • Write to express not to impress.
  • It's not trauma informed if it's not informed by trauma survivors.
  • Breathing isn't optional.

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