“We can improve our state, either by increasing positive emotions or by decreasing negative emotions (or both).” pg. 8, Post-Traumatic Success, Fredrike Bannink
If you are exhausted with healing and feeling it’s all hard and grueling, remember that watching a comedy, doing yoga, eating bubble gum, giggling, getting lost in a book, laughing with friends, doing crafts of whatever feels positive for you IS HEALING WORK.
Isn’t that kind of a relief? We don’t just have to work on decreasing the negative stuff but we can focus a little or a lot on increasing the positive.
You Matter Mantras
- Trauma sucks. You don't.
- Write to express not to impress.
- It's not trauma informed if it's not informed by trauma survivors.
- Breathing isn't optional.
You Are Invited Too & To:
- Heal Write Now on Facebook
- Parenting with ACEs at the ACEsConectionNetwork
- The #FacesOfPTSD campaign.
- When I'm not post-traumatically pissed or stressed I try to Twitter, Instagram & Pinterest.
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