Free-Write Friday Night & Sacred Sunday Session


You get two or more prompts, instructions, time, space and materials to write.

In this warn and safe setting, your tender, sacredSilent Things and vulnerable words and experiences will be honored.

Whether you are a published writer who needs a new approach or creative company or someone knee-deep in life needing space and a place to process and download, you are welcome.

Writing, like life, is about the all of life. Joy, sorrow, complexity, humor, depth – it’s ALL welcome. All of your stories, writing and life experiences matter. No need to apologize for being heavy, irreverent or hilarious. Your take on the world is the only one you need to attend to.

Maybe you’ll share, revise or edit your words. Maybe you’ll send them to the shredder. Maybe you’ll gift us with reading what you write. Maybe not. That’s up to you. You are the author of your story, life and choices. You get to revise, edit, cut and draft the past, present or future. You can infuse your writing with imagination, insights, details or use it for bare bones truth telling.

You know you best. Only you know how much is fact or fiction and how deep you want to dive or if you want to swim near the surface.

The point of the free-writing is to connect you more with your self and maybe others. Write to process. Write to publish. Get creative or create happiness. Whatever you want.

I give the prompts and you go where they take you.

The only difference between Free-Write Friday Night and the Sacred Sunday Session is that on Sunday morning we’ll start with a short guided meditation.

Only positive feedback is given. Silence is considered full participation so you won’t ever be pressured to share.

Call or text or email with questions and if you can let me know if you are coming, I’d appreciate that. (617)962-0036 or [email protected] with questions.

Heal Write Now Center: 8 Union St. Weymouth, MA  Walking distance from South Shore Hospital & Cameo Theaters

Parking: Free, in front of building, across street and parking lot behind buildings across st.


You Matter Mantras

  • Trauma sucks. You don't.
  • Write to express not to impress.
  • It's not trauma informed if it's not informed by trauma survivors.
  • Breathing isn't optional.

You Are Invited Too & To:

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