Archives for November 2015

Brene Brown’s Recipe for Trust or Braving a Roll of Paper Towel

"What is trust? What do we talk about when we talk about trust? Trust is a big word, right? To hear 'I trust you' or 'I don't trust you' I don't even … [Read more...]

Carly Simon is a Survivor

Elephant latest. When a public person comes out as a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, I notice. Always—every time. Carly SImon is 70 years … [Read more...]

Still Boycotting Bloomingdale’s & Link to Viral Version on Elephant Journal

The first iteration ran hours before here in "It's Not the Starbucks Coffee Cup I'm Seeing Red Over" and the version that went to press on Elephant … [Read more...]

What the Obit Didn’t Say, Francis Michael White

as it appeared in Elephant Journal... (except obit)  For fifty years my father remained loyal. Steadfast, he never swayed from the love he lived and … [Read more...]

Post-Traumatic Relapse

As it appeared on Elephant Journal This storm I see coming has settled in on me. Relapse is the opposite of the sky opening as clouds roll off and … [Read more...]

Boycott Bloomingdale’s: Clear on Consent Campaign

I've got some mindful ways to make a difference in the world this holiday season in response to the date rapey ad that Bloomingdale's ran a little … [Read more...]

Dear Bloomingdale’s: Please Show This at Your Next All-Staff Meeting

People have asked what the approval process is at Bloomingdale's and if anyone lost their job over the now pulled offensive and and poorly apologized … [Read more...]

It’s Not the Starbucks Ad I’m Seeing Red Over: Rape Culture is a Bloomindale’s Ad

"Spike  your best friend's egg nog when they are not looking" reads the tag line of the Bloomingdale's ad in a recent holiday catalog. A woman … [Read more...]