Comments on: Sebern Fisher: The Woman Who Gets Developmental Trauma Like No Other! Writing & Inspiration to Heal Trauma Sun, 23 Aug 2020 18:55:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cissy White Wed, 29 Jun 2016 17:48:22 +0000 In reply to rikkko.

I wish I learned this wisdom earlier:

“Validate yourself and have correct and healthy boundaries and love your self unconditionally!”

Thank you. And so many LOVE neurofeedback and someday I hope to try it. It’s good to hear testimonials and that it feels like cleansing. I do believe that “hurt people hurt people” saying but it doesn’t mean all the pain caused and inflicted doesn’t hurt or that I always understand the choices people make….

This though, is key… not easy, but key:

“Validate yourself and have correct and healthy boundaries and love your self unconditionally!”

By: rikkko Sun, 12 Jun 2016 19:37:47 +0000 Ok…..great ditty on Neurofeedback
I am in neurofeedback for a few months now and I last friday had my 21st session.

Slow but steady progress of lessened anxiety, hyper vigilance, ocd and better sleep.

Memory of my unbelievable rapes and invalidation are coming back as almost a cathartic cleansing of my soul before I finally recover after 40 years of dissociation, depression, self defeating behavior…..

Glad my psycho dynamic therapist is opening her schedule up for my neurofeedback “cleansings.”

Why on God’s green grass do ppl rape, invalidate, conditional love, bully when many..not all will have life long negative effects of the treatment.

It’s easier to be nice, kind and caring then be an sob, rapist, bullier…….

And most importantly……validate yourself and have correct and healthy boundaries and love your self unconditionally!

By: Fisher, Levine, Ogden, Porges, Siegel & van der Kolk: Rethinking Trauma Recap: FREE NOTES - Heal Write Now for Trauma Survivors & Adults Abused as Children Fri, 28 Nov 2014 12:26:44 +0000 […] Fisher: The Woman Who Gets Developmental Trauma & How to Upgrade the Brain’s OS Blog 1 Blog 2 Blog […]

By: Sebern Fisher Tidbits from Webinar Interview Notes - Heal Write Now for Trauma Survivors & Adults Abused as Children Wed, 12 Nov 2014 14:49:31 +0000 […] Sebern Fisher fans and those interested in neurofeedback here is my last in a 3-part series based( part 1, part 2) on a phone interview, her book and the webinar video series. These are my notes and it was […]

By: How to Upgrade Your Brain’s OS After a Crappy Childhood or Learning About Neurofeedback for Trauma Thanks to the Amazing Sebern Fisher! - Heal Write Now for Trauma Survivors & Adults Abused as Children Wed, 12 Nov 2014 13:34:59 +0000 […] (This was Part 1) […]
