Comments on: Mindful PTSD Writing & Inspiration to Heal Trauma Mon, 14 Jul 2014 22:06:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rosebud Sat, 12 Jul 2014 03:28:51 +0000 In reply to Cissy White.

I am not ready to use my real name, especially on FB. What do you mean by “free-write Fridays?

By: Cissy White Fri, 11 Jul 2014 21:33:18 +0000 In reply to Rosebud.

You made my day. I am SO GLAD the writing spoke to you. Honestly, thank you for commenting. It can be exhausting and disheartening not only doing the work but feeling like it’s a private, secret or shameful journey and not having others who get what it can feel like and be like. Please share your voice as well or do the free-write Fridays, if they ever speak to you, and keep commenting!

By: Rosebud Fri, 11 Jul 2014 21:25:00 +0000 FINALLY, someone who REALLY gets it!!! My counselor sent me this article. I am so blown away I have read it at least three times…so far.
I have been in therapy for decades…shouldn’t said that, now I feel old. But, it’s true. I got emotional in session yesterday wondering WHEN I will be healed enough to fulfill any of my dreams. Working my butt off to get to that point.
I found your FB page and “LIKED” it. So I’ll stay in contact. I look forward to your next blog!

By: Cissy White Mon, 07 Jul 2014 21:18:33 +0000 In reply to Shelley.

Thank you for writing. I’m sorry for your abuse. I’m glad you are finding tools in the now. It can be frustrating how much work it is to stay still and then, when we do, that’s what is there isn’t just bliss and equanimity. However, today I was kayaking and it was beautiful and honestly, before learning to stay still I would not have felt that at all, not absorbed it or taken it in or even experienced how fun it was. So, the rewards are not always immediate but I say, to you (and to myself) to keep at it and hang in there. One thing I love about Rick Hanson is that he talks a lot about the building up, in the brain, of the ability to take in the good and to balance the harder but that our brains are so smart and learn-oriented that we can’t help but have learned from our experiences.
Totally non-shaming but still open to change. I find that the perfect mix of realistic and hopeful! Thanks for being here and taking the time to comment and sharing your self-care practice and journey!

By: Shelley Mon, 07 Jul 2014 20:25:48 +0000 I just sat for 40 minutes, yesterday, for the first time at a Buddhist Vipassana sangha. Just focusing on my breathing, which I was having trouble with, almost led to a panic attack. Somehow, I stayed sitting but couldn’t wait for those 40 minutes to be over… What I didn’t realize is that I was probably having an allergic reaction to the candles that were lit right before we practiced, until after we were done and my breathing eased back in the other room (it was ok before we got started). Sitting again, today at home, alone, I was flooded by tears- again, just from focusing on the breath. When I was being abused (or witnessing abuse) as a child, I would often have an allergy and/or asthma attack, literally drowning at times in my own tears. There were other “insights” about breathing (not being able to stand to hear myself breathing, for example) that came up, too. I’m thankful that the tears came at home and not my first time at the sangha, with people I had just met. Thank you for this article, that is helping me understand why being mindful, in my body, and being present is bringing up the “old stuff” for healing and awareness. Practicing metta, I have spent today being kind to myself, telling myself (and my Inner Child) how much I am loved, that in fact, I AM LOVE, and being patient with myself. It’s not easy, but neither has living with PTSD and recurring trauma as an adult been, either. I’m going to hang in there and read more of your blog. Thank you, so much- for creating this blog and your Facebook page. I know that it will continue to be an aid to me as I follow my healing journey. Namaste, Shelley
