Comments on: Free-Write Friday: Thank a First Responder or Be One to Someone Writing & Inspiration to Heal Trauma Sat, 29 Mar 2014 01:09:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cissy White Sat, 29 Mar 2014 01:09:46 +0000 In reply to Kathy.

Happy writing Kathy!

By: Cissy White Sat, 29 Mar 2014 01:09:16 +0000 In reply to Jennifer M.

Isn’t it wild where this can go? I’m so glad you learned to ask and he is there for YOU as well as others. What a tribute to him as well as knowing it was a strain sometimes or felt hurtful/neglectful. I love that relationships, even years in, evolve and grow. We don’t hear enough good about marriages. Or MEN as GIVERS in the family. Thank you for writing. Cis

By: Jennifer M Sat, 29 Mar 2014 01:00:34 +0000 My husband is a first responder and while we have fought over him not always being a first responder to ME, I am reminded by this prompt to fully appreciate how many people he responds to. His mother. Our children. Our friends. His tenants. The Boards he serves on. The children he coaches, the ones who look up to him for his unlimited patience and unwavering support.

I’ll admit that his over-responding has caused great suffering in our past. “What about my needs?” I repeatedly asked.

To which he used to answer, “But you never asked for anything.”

And he was right. And I was right.

Can I continue to blame him for responding to everyone else’s requests for help when I prided myself all of my life for NOT needing help? I can’t. I have to let that one go. Because when I did need help, when I finally asked for help, when I couldn’t even imagine why he would give me help any longer, he was there for me. He continues to be there for me and in ways I never imagined.

And to imagine, all I needed to do was ask.

By: Kathy Fri, 28 Mar 2014 20:44:11 +0000 So glad that when I finished my writing for the day, I found your words here. Much love.
