Comments on: Free-Writing Friday: (1) Where You Practice Being Free Writing & Inspiration to Heal Trauma Fri, 18 Jul 2014 13:38:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: 2039 Archives - Heal Write Now for Trauma Survivors & Adults Abused as Children Fri, 18 Jul 2014 13:38:52 +0000 […] Free-Writing Friday: (1) Where You Practice Being Free […]

By: Cissy White Fri, 21 Mar 2014 23:40:42 +0000 In reply to Jennifer M.

I LOVE the image of you at 110! Your spirit sounds just as energetic or more than now! How wonderful to hear about a fully embraced self love! And then the image of you reminding them, the best possible kind of love “nagging” to laugh more and have MORE fun! I love it. I’m so glad you did this. You are giving so much love already! And I got choked up thinking that here, alive or dead, you’ll be there for them loving them. So great!!! Cis

By: Jennifer M Fri, 21 Mar 2014 23:08:16 +0000 My Last Day on Earth:

I am 110 and when I pass, I will be surrounded by my husband, children, grandchildren, and if I’m very lucky, great grandchildren. I will know that I have given to them with ALL of my heart and Earthly soul. I held back nothing in terms of love and unconditional support.

I will have stopped many, many decades earlier from getting in my own way. I was lucky, because I learned a tremendous amount in my early 40s, most importantly to stop beating myself up, second guessing myself, and over-analyzing whether people like me or not. At 110, I will love myself fully, knowing that my life mattered and I loved with all of my heart.

As I sensitive Cancer, I will have learned and then taught my family to be highly selective of the people to whom they give their hearts, however, never, ever to close their hearts off. Love, I will tell them, is the most important lesson to be learned here on Earth. Experiencing all of it, no matter how painful it is at times, is the most rewarding lesson you will learn. There is nothing more important to learn here on Earth than to learn to love.

“Laugh more. Play more. Stop being so serious,” I will continue to tell them right up until my passing. “You will only be able to make a difference in the world, to the people around you, if you can heal fully and celebrate your uniqueness. Don’t stop being authentic. This is your greatest attribute. Let go of the past as quickly as possible, for if you don’t, you’ll miss out on love in the present and even more importantly, you will negatively effect love in your future. Live life each day. Don’t be afraid. And last but not least, know that I’ll always be here for you. Always. No matter what. Whether I’m here on Earth or somewhere else. I will always love you.”

By: Cissy White Fri, 21 Mar 2014 18:19:14 +0000 In reply to beth o’malley.

Do it… I dare you! It’s life-changing and wonderful!

By: beth o'malley Fri, 21 Mar 2014 17:55:03 +0000 damn you make getting old look really good. I love the idea of free writing……
