Comments on: Post-Traumatic What? That’s Just My Life… Writing & Inspiration to Heal Trauma Fri, 21 Mar 2014 14:10:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cissy White Fri, 21 Mar 2014 14:10:05 +0000 In reply to Debbie.

Thank you so much for writing. Your story makes me feel so sad and motivated to work towards change. You were in such impossible situations. I am sorry.
You should not have been abused.
You should have been believed. First and then again later.
I am sorry someone else was abused and understand the guilt, though look at the response you got, it’s hard to feel empowered to take action and go to police when your own mother doesn’t respond, react or take action. I’m very sorry.
And I’m sorry for the loss of your mother as well for you lost her too, back then and more recently and that breaks my heart, for you and for all of us who can relate. We don’t just get hurt by the abusers and the losses of so many relationships ripple through life so it’s not a singular even to “get over” but impacts over and over.
I am sorry for your losses. I am so glad you wrote.
We need to change things so others don’t have to know this stuff!
Warmly, Cissy

By: Debbie Fri, 21 Mar 2014 13:47:37 +0000 I agree Abusers love shame and guilt, my mother didn’t protect me when I told her what her then boyfriend did and years later after he abused yet another young girl(here is where the guilt comes in, I did nothing like go to someone other than my mother who accused me of lying) and then went to jail and she asked me again if I believed in him. I pointedly reminded her of the conversation we had had so many years before and went into a tailspin. A few months later she married him (after he was released from jail) and I did not attend, in fact I told my mother that she could come to my house but she had to come alone. She never did and that was 22 years ago, she died this week and I never got to say “I love you”, I did go to therapy and I was told that I did not have to respect her but would always love her(more guilt). Not going to wake or funeral, everybody thinks I am nuts and a liar(more abuse). Something needs to change!
